
Friday fun: More Pole Dancing Comics

Last Friday I shared some pole dancing comics that didn't draw on the strip club history of pole dancing. Here are some of the funniest that do: ...


Ballet on a pole - and on pointe

I previously told you that I dream of one day working on pointe, even though I only started doing ballet a year ago. The opportunity came up sooner that expected... ...Oh no, look what's in my gym bag... The current Finnish Champion, Henriikka Roo, is famous for combining ballet with her pole routines, and she gives Pole Ballet classes in Tampere. I asked Pole4Fit's ballet teacherAnna-Katariina if she could give a ballet class in our pole classroom. Normally the weekly ballet class is held in a gym classroom - plenty of mirrors but no bars to hold on to for support. Pole4Fit's first, but hopefully not last, 90-minute Ballet on a Pole workshop was held today. Anna-Katariina had absolutely nailed it with her short...


Friday Fun: Pole Dancing Comics

You know pole dancing has gone mainstream when comics on the subject are no longer necessarily strip club related... Have a great weeken...

Pole Dance Fitness World International Ultimate Champion Official World Championship Cup

After winning The Ultimate Champion title in IPC 2012 in Hong Kong, Oona Kivelä commented that there are so many world championships in pole dancing that it will soon be like boxing. Oona talked me through the different world championships that currently exist and also shared some ideas with me on how the division might better serve the pole dancing community. The Official World Pole Sport & Fitness Championships The Official World Pole Sport & Fitness Championships have been held annually since 2009 (in Jamaica), when Felix Cane took the title, Jenyne Butterfly placed second and Alesia Vazmitsel was third. According to the event website, 2010 (Zürich) and 2011 (Budapest) competitor bios and results are coming soon. No...

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